Cloud Computing is the sharing of computer system resources such as database, computational power, applications, and other computer resources over the internet which has simply changed businesses and industries due to its great impact. The term cloud computing coined by
Amazon back in the late 90s. The idea of cloud computing is simple to share the resources among the users to ensure minimum cost and effective utilization of the computational resources. A cloud computing service consists of highly optimized pragmatic data centers which provide various kind of resources in the form of hardware, software, and information. There are various cloud computing benefits for businesses of any kind since cloud computing provides modern and better solutions than the conventional Monolithic approach.
CNC (Cloud Native Computing)
Cloud-Native Computing is introduced by CNCF (cloud computing native foundation) is an approach to make applications and services based on a microservices architecture. Unlike the monolithic approach, each service is packed inside a container interconnected and is dynamically organized. The applications of cloud computing advantages include maximum scalability and responsiveness. Projects like Kubernetes and Prometheus indicates CNCF (cloud computing native foundation) is quite keen on their ideology to promote cloud computing among masses.
Different Types of Cloud Services
The cloud computing services are categorized into Iaas, Pass, Saas. The thing here works in a stack because each service is stacked upon each other for the cloud clients. The following is a brief description of each service.
Iaas(Infrastructure as a service)
One of the most basic services provided by the cloud companies is Iaas service. Iaas offers computing architecture, infrastructure, all computing resources via the internet. Iaas is made especially for the system admins who use the physical machines. The Iaas is a service on-demand scheme which means that the user can use resources according to his needs. This will save cloud users from the redundant expense. Services in Iaas include servers, storage, firewalls, networks, operating systems, etc.
Examples of Iaas(Infrastructure as a service) are as follows:
- AWS(Amazon web service)
- Azure Iaas
- Cisco Metapod
Paas (Product as a service)
This cloud service providers offer a cloud-based development environment to application developers. Paas includes an operating system, development tool kits, database, programming languages, and many other useful items for developers that eliminates the worry of physical resources for development. Developers can use this cloud service for development in multiples platforms like web, mobiles and other devices.
Some of the examples of Paas(Product as a service) are as follow:
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk Heroku
- Heroku
- Azure Paas
Saas (Software as a service)
You are probably familiar with this type of cloud computing service because this service is widely used by almost all mobile phone and computer users. In this service, the application developed by the developer is hosted on the third-party and the user can use the application on the internet. The plus point of Saas is that the user does not need any kind of application to install on his system, although he can access the app via the internet by just a few clicks. This service does not only save the time of the user but also saves the storage space since the application does not need any kind of storage.
Examples of Saas(Software as a service) are as follow:
- Microsoft Office 365
- Netflix
- DropBox
Models of Cloud Service
Private Cloud:
A private cloud is a separate network made for a single organization controlled internally or externally. Since the system is isolated that’s why the system does not enjoy perks like a public network but is secured and the main organization data private. Big IT companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google provides Vpc(Virtual private connection).
Public Cloud:
These networks can be accessed by the public. Unlike private clouds, the public cloud is easy to modify, update and setup cost is less than the private cloud. The advantage of cloud computing public costs is that they are extremely scalable. Public Cloud is a virtualized network that enables the user to share computing resources publically. Microsoft Office 365 is one of the examples of a public cloud.
Hybrid Cloud:
A hybrid Cloud is a combo of both private and public clouds. Organization gets perks of both models which make easy effective share of resources. Since this model is a mixture of both models so it is difficult to implement and have many technicalities as compared to the above models. The organization has limited control over this type of cloud model.
Cloud Computing Advantages for Businesses
There are numerous cloud computing advantages for businesses in which some of them are as follow:
Scalability: A highly scalable system ensures maximum effectiveness of the business. The system with sudden abnormal traffic can be handled easily by the subscribed cloud service provider.
Budget-Friendly: One of the advantages of cloud computing is that the system is purchased as need. If someone wants to extend the system he can easily upgrade his subscribed package by asking his cloud service. Another cost like technical staff, Energy consumption, physical space is reduced by a decent margin.
Security: Each Cloud service provider gives its users a highly secured package for their businesses. Users can have full control over their data and can back up their data virtually. furthermore, users don’t have to worry about his security setup since the cloud service provider takes the responsibility of the user’s system.
Easy Access: Cloud services providers like Aws and Azure ensures user-friendly interaction with the cloud. these companies do not only provide mobility but also gives feature like 24/7 support and technical assistance as needed.
Cloud Computing is the future
Cloud computing is adopting in all scale organizations since there are tons of cloud computing advantages for businesses. The technology of cloud computing is enhancing day by day. Innovations are being implemented day by day by cloud service providers. The world is shifting towards cloud-native computing which is the second and advance version of cloud computing. Millions of dollars are being invested in the field and the user is shifting their business to the fittest technology in order to gain organizational benefits. With the development of AI (artificial intelligence) technology, cloud technology is also improvised. According to the stats, cloud computing will become the most ideal field in the future.