Artificial Intelligence is not something new, it was invented in the late 1950s. The idea of Artificial Intelligence came from American computer scientist John McCarthy, in fact, he is known as the father of AI technology. John McCarthy defines artificial intelligence as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.”However, at that time artificial intelligence was not developed and implemented due to lack of resources. In the early 20th century the AI technology was phenomenally gaining speed due to the increase in the computational power of computer technology.AI was being executed in laboratories, the medical sector and defence as well. Later on the leading, IT companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple made artificial intelligence an important and vital part of their technology development. Artificial Intelligence scope in Pakistan is not great like other developed countries but has lots of potentials to make the country’s economy boost with the booming industry of AI.
The international market of AI:
Market cagr(Compound annual growth rate) is about more than 38%, which means its one of the highest growing industries in the modern world. The market value of AI in 2025 would be around 120 billion USD, due to the keen interest on big gains like Intel, Microsoft, IBM, ZTE corporations, etc. The technology is not only used for commercial purposes, but it can also be used for military needs such as missiles, self-driving tanks, Ammunition, etc.
Pakistan towards 4th industrial revolution:
Since third world countries like Pakistan could not take advantage of the booming industry of artificial intelligence in the past.No development was seen in this sector but now things are changed. Pakistan is planning to focus on the market of AI so that the country can play part in the global markets. The president of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi launched the Presidential Initiative for Artificial Intelligence & Computing (PIAIC) whose aim is to make Pakistan youth prepare for the 4th industrial revolution.
“The mission of PIAIC is to reshape Pakistan by revolutionizing education, research, and business by adopting the latest, cutting-edge technologies. Experts are calling this the 4th industrial revolution. We want Pakistan to become a global hub for AI, data science,cloud-native computing, edge computing, blockchain, augmented reality and internet of things”-Dr. Arif Alvi.
Artificial Intelligence scope in Pakistan will be higher than the past due to initiatives like PIAIC. National Center for Artificial Intelligence has been developed across the country to involve the youth in the development of the country’s economy.
Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Pakistan:
The scope of Artifical Intelligence is so high that not even in the local market but international IT giants like Google, Microsoft hires artificial intelligence developer. Software Houses in Pakistan always welcome talented AI experts and handsome salary packages are offered to them. The salary of the entry-level artificial intelligence expert ranges from 40000pkr to 60000pkr in big cities like Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. More an expert in artificial intelligence can earn handsome amounts in dollars by doing freelance in this field.
The artificial intelligence systems are being implemented in the top Pakistani companies in Pakistan. Artificial Intelligence research laboratories are operational in the following cities in Pakistan.
- Islamabad (NUST-National Center of Artificial Intelligence).
- Lahore (UET-Artificial intelligence research lab (AIRL)).
- Peshawar( UET-Center of Intelligent Systems and Networks).
- Karachi (The Artificial Intelligence Lab at IBA).
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